Crowd oinage  adalah sebuah OS untuk masa depan pendanaan yang dibangun di atas blokade Ethereal. Versi pertama CrowdCoinage OS memungkinkan para pemula, pengembang perangkat lunak, investor real estat, dan lain-lain untuk meluncurkan dan mengelola kampanye crowdfunding dan ICO. Agar tunduk pada registrasi dan lisensi yang relevan, juru kampanye dapat menjual dividen atau token ekuitas yang dapat diperdagangkan secara bebas dalam pertukaran kriptocurrency.

Ke depan kita akan menambahkan berbagai macam layanan keuangan yang akan berbasis pada mata uang kripto dan blockchain. Di antaranya adalah pinjaman P2P, asuransi, tabungan, kartu debit untuk pemakaian sehari-hari, pertukaran dan dompet. KYC akan ditangani oleh integrasi mendalam dengan program E-Residency Estonia.


CrowdCoinage is located in Tallinn, Estonia. Estonia is a technology-driven country and is the birthplace of technology heavyweights like Skype and TransferWise. Setting high goals and achieving them is a part of Estonians’ DNA so there is no exception for CrowdCoinage either.


Blockchain is an open ledger that records all transactions as they occur. Each of the transactions which have been completed within a set period of time are saved into a block of transactions. The transactions are recorded permanently and therefore they cannot be altered. The history of these transactions is maintained in a chain which cannot be modified by a single individual. Blockchain eliminates intermediaries such as traditional banks in financial transactions. Several notable features of this technology include; immutability, distributed, secure, permissioned, automated and decentralized. The blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer ledger, which has no centralized version and hence no single point of failure. The management and authorization is spread across the network, so there is not an obvious point where one can instigate fraud schemes.


A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies.

Bitcoin, created in 2009, was the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Since then, numerous cryptocurrencies have been created.These are frequently called altcoins, as a blend of bitcoin alternative.Bitcoin and its derivatives use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money/central banking systems. The decentralized control is related to the use of bitcoin’s blockchain transaction database in the role of a distributed ledger.



Token Sale Starts 2018/01/15, Monday Token Sale Period Pre-Sale: 2018/01/15 11AM EET (UTC/GMT +2)

Sale: 2018/01/22 to 2018/03/12 Hard Cap 150,000 ETH

Pre-Sale Terms 50,000 ETH allocated for pre-sale

Minimum purchase during Pre-Sale is 2000 CCOS tokens Up to 30% bonus for early investors

Token Symbol CCOS Total Number of Tokens 478,571,428 Tokens sold in this sale 50%

Exchange Rate 1 ETH = 1,000 CCOS tokens

Limits 150,000 ETH (Hard Cap)

Minimum Purchase 500 CCOS tokens

Accepted Cryptos ETH, BTC, BCH, XRP, DASH, LTC, ETC, NEO, EUR, PayPal

(list will be updated)

Adjustability Undistributed tokens will be destroyed by smart contract

Listing CCOS tokens will be listed on crypto exchanges right after the token sale ends but not later than 2018/03/30

Envisioned Token Holder Benefits In case CrowdCoinage OÜ decides to carry out a public

offering (IPO) of its own securities and has complied with applicable regulatory requirements to offer the securities in the token holder’s jurisdiction, CCOS tokens may be used to pay for such securities.

CCOS tokens may be used as a payment instrument for tokens offered by startups and/or traded using

CrowdCoinage OS or for services/products offered by third parties, both assuming that CrowdCoinage OÜ has obtained the required licenses to issue payment instruments in the token holder’s jurisdiction.

Token Trade Limitation Tokens can be sold 6 months after the end of the token sale

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